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Monday, December 11, 2006

December 12, 1960: Mid-Air Capture of Space Capsules Hailed as 'Gigantic Step Forward'

A New York Times editorial on this day is headlined "Space Catch" and says, "Anyone who seeks a measure of how fast and how far this country has progressed in space technology in the last three years need look no further than the score on the recoveries of recent Discoverer space capsules. The capsules of four of the last six Discoverer satellites sent into orbit have been recovered. Three of the last five capsules sent into orbit have been caught in space, and two of three space catches have been made on the last two attempts. Capt. Gene W. Jones, who made those last two catches, has a reasonable claim to be the best catcher of all time. There can now be no doubt that the United States has fully mastered the technique of recovering objects sent into space. It is a gigantic step forward."

The following are some of the headlines on the front page of today's New York Times:

"61 Dead in Algiers Riots; Troops Fire on Moslems; De Gaulle Shortens Visit; 300 are Wounded; Europeans Retaliate for Algerian Acts of Terrorism."

"De Gaulle's Algeria Policy Undergoing a Crucial Test."

"Spain Will Curb De Gaulle's Foes."

"Soviet Warns Britain of Attack if U.S. Submarines Stir Incident."

"Soviet Guns Sent into Laos by Air; Pro-Red in Power."

"Atlanta Negroes March in Protest."

"Kennedy Confers on Cabinet Posts."

"Mansfield Urges Filibuster Foes to Defer a Fight; Probable Majority Leader Bids Party Liberals Put Kennedy Plans First."

And from the Chicago Daily Tribune, this headline:

"Daley Labeled Mastermind in Recount Stall."


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