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Monday, August 07, 2006

August 7, 1960: Other Worlds' State of Innocence

"Super races of rational beings with cultures and civilizations that far outstrip those enjoyed by men on earth may well exist in outer space, according a Roman Catholic theologian....

"Writing in the Aug. 12 issue of America, a weekly review edited and published by the Jesuits, Father [Daniel] Raible finds it conceivable that one or more races in space may exist in what theologians call a 'state of innocence.' ...

"Thus, writes Father Raible, it is quite possible that some space beings may not be encumbered with ills that beset mankind, such as crime, illiteracy and juvenile delinquency. He notes further that 'hospitals and asylums would be unknown to them.'"

-- The New York Times, August 7, 1960

August 7, 1960: Early Start on Fall Campaign?

"Two young men in a hurry have pushed the 1960 Presidential campaign off to the earliest start in United States history.

"Barely pausing to catch their breaths after the Democratic and Republican National Conventions that nominated them, Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, 43 years old, and Vice President Richard M. Nixon of California, 47, already are belaboring each other in earnest.

"Whereas the two parties tried late campaigns in 1956, this time both nominees decided to ignore the traditional Labor Day starting point and to carry their appeal to vote to the largest possible number of voters in the fifty states. ...

"While Senator Kennedy completed his organization plans and worked on major position papers ... from his summer home on Cape Cod, the Vice President was the first to hit the road with campaign speeches in Nevada, California, Hawaii and Washington."

-- The New York Times, August 7, 1960